Initial Setup

  • Default Reference Position: Enter the default reference position that you want to use (usually the harbor entrance). All the range and bearings in the software will use that default reference position.

  • Insert Position from Sensor: This button uses the current GPS  sensor value and inserts it automatically for the Default Reference Position. Note that a Position must be configured in the Connection Wizard. If the GPS sensor is moved to another location, this button needs to be pushed again to update the value (the position is not updated automatically).

  • Station MMSI: If applicable, enter the MMSI of the Station. This is usually only required when connected to an AIS transponder (to send Text Message).

  • Graphic Instruments Setup: Allows to enter the various Min/Max used for the Gauge NavData.

  • Wind Speed/Direction Damping: This setting smooths the wind data. Increasing this value will raise the Wind averaging time (but will decrease the response time).

  • Wind Speed / Direction Offset: Allows to offset the Wind Direction by adding or subtracting an angle value and by increasing or decreasing the speed by a percentage.

  • VHF Direction Finder

    • Minimal Signal Level (%): Adjust the threshold that is required for the DF Bearings to be displayed on the chart.

    • DF Bearing Timeout: Adjust the duration after which the DF Bearings will disappear from the chart if not continuously updated.

    • DF Bearing Color: Set the DF Bearing color on the chart (note that the alarm bearings will always be displayed in red).

  • Number of Monitors: Enables the user to use two or three monitors with TimeZero. This option will only be available when (at least) two monitors in extended mode are detected. When enable, TimeZero will put the second and third display to the right side of the primary monitor. If there is no monitor available to the right of the primary monitor (or not enough when selecting 3 monitors), TimeZero will use the monitor to the left side of the primary monitor. It is usually recommended to make the primary monitor of Windows the left most monitor.

  • Reset Dialog Box Position: Press this button to reset all dialog boxes (windows) position to their default location. This can be useful if a dialog box (such as the property window) has been dragged on a monitor that has been disconnected.

  • SeaLevel 110E/120E configuration: Press this button to configure the IP address of the SeaLevel Network IO. Please refer to the SeaLevel Network IO for more information.

  • Advanced Settings: These settings should not be adjusted unless instructed by Technical Support.