Proprietary Sentence & File Format

Proprietary sentences provide a means for manufacturers to use the sentence structure definitions of NMEA 0183 standard to transfer data which does not fall within the scope of approved sentences. Below are the proprietary sentences recognized and used by TimeZero.

"PMXS,TLLX" Target NMEA Sentence

Note: TimeZero can only generates and output a maximum of 200 ARPA targets at a rate of 10 targets per second.

POSREPORT file format

TimeZero can scan a folder (defined in the Targets Options under "Vessel Tracking Data Location") for new or updated text file(s) containing position report information. Once TimeZero detects a new file in that folder, it analyzes it and displays the location of the target(s) on screen.

TimeZero supports two formats: the traditional "POSREPORT" format and the "simplified" format.


The POSREPORT text file always start with “POSREPORT”, then one line per target with the fields separated by “;”.

Fields Definition:

  • Rank (int)

  • Name or ID (string)

  • Latitude (string, degrees.minutes(2 fixed digits)decimal)
    ex: N 44°54.074' = 44.54074N

  • Longitude (string, degrees.minutes(2 fixed digits)decimal)
    ex: W 034°42.018' = 34.42018W

  • Date (UTC, format MM/DD/YY hh:mm(:ss optional) )

  • Comment (string)


0;13;15.0215N;26.4728W;01/20/16 09:00:00;
0;Joe;15.0216N;26.4738W;01/20/16 09:10;comment

Simplified POSREPORT Format

The text file contains one line per target with each line starting with "//TM/POS". Then, the following parameters (key value/pair) are used (the order is not important).

  • //OP/xxxxxx is used for the target name or ID (string)

  • //LT/xx.xxxx is used for the latitude of the target (string: degree.decimal N = + / S = -)

  • //LG/xx.xxxx is used for the longitude of the target (string: degree.decimal E = + / W = -)

  • //DA/xxxxxx is used for the date of the position (string: YYYYMMDD)

  • //TI/xxxxxx is used for the time of the position (string: HHMMSS)


//TM/POS//OP/My Name//LT/-16.4056//LG/-73.2195//DA/20120526//TI/141530

Note: TimeZero deletes the file after reading it.