TimeZero Remote Introduction

TimeZero Coastal Monitoring (Single or Dual Radar) and TZ Professional (with TZ Host Output module) can act as a "server" and send their data (Radar, AIS, Camera, Weather Station) to a remote computer loaded with TimeZero Coastal Monitoring Remote. The remote computer does not need to be on the same local network as the sensors and an Internet connection can be used to transfer all the data from the "Station" to the "Supervision Center":

The computer which is directly connected to the sensors (on the "station" in the above diagram) compresses all the data (Radar, Camera, Target and Weather data) before sending it over to the remote computer. The amount of compression (linked to quality) can be adjusted to accommodate various type of connection (DSL, 4G cellular,...). Note that the Remote Computer will also be able to control remotely the Radar(s) and Camera(s).

Note: TimeZero Coastal Monitoring Remote cannot be connected directly to local sensors. It can only get its data through another computer.

Another advantage of using Coastal Monitoring Remote is that multiple Stations can be combined allowing large area (with up to 10 radars and 12 cameras) to be monitored from one computer. Below is an example with 3 stations (3 radars):

It is also possible to connect multiple Remote computers (up to 10) with individual "Rules" and Alarms to the same "group" of sensors (for example, if the data needs to be monitored from multiple locations). Below is an example with two Coastal Monitoring Remote:

Finaly, it is possible to mix land-based stations (equipped with TZ Coastal Monitoring Single or Dual Radar) and patrol vessels (equipped with TZ Professional and the TZ Host output module).