IMPORTANT: The Radar Module needs to be purchased to be able to connect TZ iBoat to the Furuno DRS4W 1st Watch Radar abd access the Radar settings. To purchase the Radar module, click on the “TZ” button located on the top left of your screen, select “Store” and then “Modules”.
Auto Rain: Sets the Radar Auto Rain mode ON or OFF
Rain Adjust: When the Auto Rain mode is set to OFF, this slider allows you to adjust the Auto Rain filter
Echo Color: Adjust the color of the Radar Overlay
Multicolor 1: Red for strong echo / Yellow for medium echo / Dark Green for weak echo
Green: Monochromatic Green with variable transparency according to echo level
Yellow: Monochromatic Yellow with variable transparency according to echo level
Radar Overlay Transparency: Adjust the radar overlay transparency on the chart.
Radar Info: When a radar is connected, TZ iBoat retrieves all information concerning the type of radar and displays its model, IP address and frameware version, as well as its status.
Device Info: Gives the Wi-Fi name and the current IP Adress.
Note: make sure TZ iBoat ha s a local network permission enabled to communicate with the Radar.