
Route Icon Position: Selects if the collapsed route icons are located at the first or last waypoint of the route. In TZ iBoat, routes that are not selected automatically collapse to unclutter your screen.

Route Label: Enabling this setting will display the route name just below the route icon (when they are collapsed).

Route Color: Sets the default route color when creating a route. Note that route color can be changed individually after they have been created by tapping on any route and selecting the color from the Pop-Up menu.

Route Thickness: Adjusts the thickness of the selected and active route.

Route Auto-Zoom: when this option is enabled, TZ iBoat will automatically adjust the zoom level when a new waypoint is activated along a route. TZ iBoat will either zoom in or zoom out to show the current position and the next waypoint on screen when switching to a new waypoint.

Note: The Route Auto Zoom will only work if the boat is displayed on the screen (TZ iBoatwill not attempt to adjust the zoom level if you are panning on another area).

Waypoint Switching Mode: this setting determines how TZ iBoat switches to the next waypoint automatically when navigating on a route:

  1. Circle: in this mode, the next waypoint is automatically switched when your boat icon enters the active waypoint's switching circle.

  2. Cross Line (also known as "perpendicular"): in this mode, the next waypoint is automatically switched when your boat crosses an imaginary line that is perpendicular to the current active leg and goes through the waypoint.

  3. Circle and Cross line: in this mode, the next waypoint is automatically switched if it enters the switching circle or crosses the line.

Switching Circle Radius: this option sets the radius of the switching circle around the active waypoint.

Intelligent Route Waypoint Centering: when this option is checked, the chart will automatically pan when a route is being built.

Display XTE Lines: when this option is checked, a red and green dash line (respectively port and starboard) will appear on each side of the active leg (when a route is activated).

XTE Value: this setting sets the default value of the route cross track error (used for displaying the XTE lines).

Planning Route Speed: Set the speed that is used when creating a route to compute the Time To Arrival (TTA) displayed in the Route Header (at the top of your screen). Note that when the route is activated, the speed used to compute Time to Go (TTG) and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) switches automatically to your real time speed (from your GPS).

NMEA Connection

Safety Depth: set the safety depth value that is used by the Route Assist algorithm.

Strict Depth Compliance: select this option if you want Route Assist to strictly respect the safety depth.

Use Vector Charts Recommended Route: select this option if you want Route Assist to follow the recommended routes that are provided by the hydrographic offices and included in the charts "crowd-sourced recommended routes" come from user-contributed data.

Use Crowd Source Recommended Route: select this option if you want Route Assist to follow the recommended routes that come from user-contributed data.


Delete All User Objects: Press this button to delete all your user objects (marks, routes, photos, catches and boundaries).