Routing with Manual Constraints (Advanced)

The "Routing Module" needs to be unlocked to access this feature

Routing from several waypoints

It is possible to define a routing that go over specific locations. This can be useful in intricate passages where the routing cannot find a way due to land or shallow water. To perform a "multi-leg" routing, start by creating a route with the Route tool. The various waypoints of the route will define the various locations that must be reached by the routing. Once the route is created, select the departure date from the Time Bar, select the "Launch Routing" tool and click once on the route. This will automatically create a routing that goes over all the Waypoints:

Routing with constraints

Instead of defining "hard constraints" (routing going over a specific location), you can perform a routing with "loose" constraints. This can be useful to avoid specific areas. The steps are very similar to creating a routing from several waypoints. But, before clicking on the Route with the Routing Tool, simply right click on the Waypoints and select "Leave Port" or "Leave Starboard". This will allow the Routing algorithm to "explore" more options while leaving specific waypoints to the Starboard or Port side. In the example below, a route consisting of 3 Waypoints was created. Then Waypoint #2 was set to "leave port":