Opening a Weather GRIB File

TimeZero is compatible with GRIB file (GRIB 1 format only) downloaded from the weather service or third party service. To open a weather GRIB file in TimeZero:

  • Click on the TIMEZERO Button and select "Open Weather File"

  • Browse and select the GRIB file then click on "Open"

Tips: When receiving a weather file by e-mail, you can directly open the attachment and load it in by double clicking on it.

If you open a GRIB file that was downloaded or generated from a third party source or software, TimeZero might not be able to display all layers of data (the GRIB format contains more than 200 type of parameters!). Below is the list of GRIB data layer that TimeZero can render:

  • ugrd (33) Wind Direction & Speed

  • vgrd (34) Wind Direction & Speed

  • prmsl (2) Pressure

  • tmp (11) Air Temperature

  • tcdc (71) Cloud

  • prate (59) Precip.

  • swell (105) Waves

  • htsgw (100) Waves

  • wvhgt (102) Waves

  • swper (108) Wave Period

  • swdir (104) Wave Direction

  • wvper (103) Wave Period

  • wvdir (101) Wave Direction

  • perpw (108) Wave Period

  • dirpw (107) Wave Direction

  • uogrd (49) Current Direction & Speed

  • vogrd (50) Current Direction & Speed

  • spc (48) Current Direction & Speed

  • dirc (47) Current Direction

  • wtmp (80) Sea Surface Temperature

  • dist (8) Sea Surface Height