Marks & Boundaries

The Marks & Boundaries options allow users to configure settings related to marks, events and boundaries (line, area and circle)

  • Display Objects Names: this option displays object names next to the object. This is a global setting that affects all the marks, routes and boundaries displayed on the screen.

  • Mark Symbol: changes the default Mark icon.

  • Mark Color: changes the default Mark color.

  • Mark Size: changes the size of all marks (ranges from 50-200). This is a global setting that affects all marks displayed on the screen.

  • Event Mark  Symbol: changes the default mark icon used when an event is triggered (when the "Event" tool or ENTER key is used).

  • Event Mark Color: changes the default mark color used when an event is triggered.

  • Configure Events: opens a window that allows you to customize events icons and colors when you press the 0 to 9 numeric keys on your keyboard.

  • Event Label: changes the type of label that is used when saving events. Select "Prefix" when you want to use a user defined text prefix or select "Depth" when you want to name events with the current depth received from your sounder (depth below waterline). Select "None" if you do not want any label attached to the Event

  • Event Label Prefix: enter the text that will be assigned to the events when "Event Label" is set to "Prefix"

  • Event Auto-numbering: enter a numeric value that will be used after the prefix. This numeric value will be automatically incremented each time you drop an event. Erase that field if you don't want any number to appear after the prefix.

  • Lock Event: select this option if you want the event to be locked by default.

  • Prompt for Event Name: when this option is checked, a window allowing you to rename the event will appear each time you drop an event.

  • Automatic Event Recording: when you check this option, an event will be automatically dropped periodically. The time is defined under the "Record every..." option. The minimum time interval is one minute.

  • Boundaries Color: changes the default Boundary color.

  • Boundaries Transparency: This option determines the default intensity of boundary transparency (ranges from 0-80).

  • Boundaries Contour: changes the default Boundary contour style.

  • Boundaries Contour Thickness: changes the contour thickness for all boundaries. This is a global setting that affects all boundaries displayed on the screen.

  • Annotation Color: changes default Annotation color.

  • Annotation Size: changes default Annotation size (ranges from 5-50).

  • Icon Set: Allows the user to choose between a modern or classic icon set. "MaxSea v12" allows to use smaller icons on screen.