This page allows you to login to your My TIMEZERO account (if you are already logged in, this page will display your account information) and adjust how TimeZero connects to the Internet.

  • Allow TimeZero to connect to the Internet: If you turn OFF this option, TimeZero will no longer access the Internet for any service.

  • Synchronize my User Objects to My TIMEZERO: When this option is checked, your user objects (marks, boundaries, lines, annotations, and photos) will be automatically saved and synchronized to the cloud as soon as your computer is connected to the Internet. Please refer to the TimeZero Cloud chapter for more information.

  • Cloud Synchronization Log: Opens a window indicating the last time your user object database was synchronized when you have an Internet connection.

  • Get Fleet Targets from TZ Cloud: When this option is checked, and when you have a valid Internet connection, you will be able to receive Fleet targets via the TZ Cloud. Please refer to the Fleet Tracking chapter for more information.

  • Position Report Log: Opens a window indicating all the position upload.

  • Help us make TimeZero better by sending crash reports: Allows TimeZero to send crash reports at startup when the computer is connected to the Internet.