
The Alarm options allow you to configure all of the various alarms and warnings that can be trigger by the software. Alarms are displayed at the very top of the screen. An individual sound can be selected for each alarm by clicking on the "Define Alarm Sounds" button (at the end of the page). By default, all the Alarm sounds are turned off.

  • CPA /TCPA Alarm/Display Value: Defines the CPA and TCPA values for which a target is considered dangerous and displayed in red on the chart.

  • Target Watch Alarm: Check this box when you want the Target Watch rule to trigger when a target drift away more than the specified value. The anchor position to monitor for a specific target is enabled by right clicking on a target and selecting "Target Watch Alarm"

    • Default Alarm Radius: Set the default radius that is used when the Target Watch is set on a target.

    • Define Target Watch Rule: Opens a window that allows to define action(s) when a target break its Target Watch Alarm threshold.

  • AtoN Light Monitoring: Check this box when you want the AtON Light Monitoring rule to trigger when specific voltage threshold (defined below) are met. This allows TimeZero to monitor Light Buoys that report their position using AtON message 21 and that report their light voltage status via AIS ASM message 6 (DAC 235 / FI 10 Message).

    • Trigger Alarm when internal voltage falls below: Threshold to monitor the Analogue (internal) field of the Aids to Navigation monitoring data ASM

    • Trigger Alarm when external voltage falls below: Threshold to monitor the Analogue (external - from hardware analogue input No 1) field of the Aids to Navigation monitoring data ASM

    • AtoN Light Monitoring Rule: Opens a window that allows to define action(s) when one of the threshold (internal or external) is triggered.

  • Vector Chart Zone Warning: Press this button to define the area type that will trigger a notification when you use TZ MAPS vector maps and find yourself in the selected area.

  • Monitoring Zone Rules: Rules can be added, edited or removed from that window. For more information about rules, refer to the Rules chapter.