Displaying Weather Forecast on the chart
TZ iBoat can overlay weather forecasts directly on your chart using particles (animation), colors, labels, or traditional arrows. To display weather, simply tap on the “Layers” button located on the bottom right of your screen and select the type of weather data you would like to see among Wind, Waves, Air Temperature, Clouds & Rain, Current, and Pressure:
Just below the type of weather data to display, you can select the type of presentation. Note that you can combine multiple types of presentation if you want. For example, you can decide to display the wind in color + arrows + label.
Once a weather parameter has been selected, a time bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen:
The time bar allows you to play an animation (tap on the time bar anywhere) or you can manually drag it to a specific date & time.
Note that when you display the wind in color, you can switch the color range in between “standard” mode (0kn to 40Kn) and “light” mode (0kn to 20Kn) by clicking on the arrow located at the right side of the color palette:
In the screenshots below, you can see that the “light” color palette shows better wind variation in regular environment:
The “standard” color palette may be more suited when you want to track storms or in high wind conditions.