Adjusting Vector Charts Display

Unlike Raster charts, Vector charts can provide control over the level of information displayed. Vector charts are made up of individual objects and data layers such as navigational aids, spot soundings and land features that can be displayed or hidden. These adjustments are made from the Vector Chart Options.

Vector Chart Presets

All vector chart options can be saved into presets. By default, TimeZero is initialized with a "Custom" preset in addition to the presets below:

  • "Base" shows the minimum set of objects necessary for planning

  • "Standard" adds other objects (such as restricted areas or channels) that are necessary for safe navigation

  • "All" display all the objects available

  • "Fishing" adds objects that are useful for fishing

  • "Custom" default preset used by TimeZero

Note that the "Base", "Standard", "All", and "Fishing" presets cannot be modified, and all vector chart options (except for Safety Depths) will be hidden when one of those presets is selected. The default "Custom" preset can be modified and the user can create new presets by selecting "<Add New>" from the preset selection list.

Vector chart presets can be recalled from the Chart button under "Vector Chart Preset". Note that different chart presets can be selected independently by WorkSpace. It means that you can have the "Fishing" WorkSpace using a vector charts presets adjusted for fishing operation, while having the "Navigation" WorkSpace with a different vector chart preset adjusted for navigation.


The appearance section of the Vector Chart options allows you to change how the charts are rendered on the screen. Various vector chart color theme can be selected. It is also possible to change the style of light and buoy icons as well as adjusting the overall object size (Depth Sounding Buoys, Wrecks, Obstructions, etc...).

Safety Depths

The Shallow, Safety and Deep water parameters are used to color the various depth area of the vector chart. The transition between colors is based upon the depth contour lines of the vector chart. Note that if there is no contour line available on the vector chart corresponding to the exact value you selected, the color transition will occur at the next deepest (safer) contour line available.

Note that these parameters are global to all vector chart presets. Changing these values will immediately apply to all presets.


The layers section allows you to turn ON or OFF the display of specific objects on the chart and in some case control how they are displayed.