Plotter Display
The Plotter Display options allow users to configure settings related to the Navigation and Planning WorkSpaces:
Day and Night
Day/Night Mode: adjusts the screen's brightness and vector chart color palette (for night or day). When set to Automatic, TimeZero will automatically switch modes according to your local sunset and sunrise time.
Luminosity Variation: allows to adjust precisely the screen's brightness. Note that this setting use independent values per mode (Night/Dusk/Day).
Red Filter in Night Mode: enables a red hue when the night mode is selected. Note that the red filter only operates on the Chart, NavData, Ribbon and Toolbar. It does not apply to windows or contextual menu.
Inverse Raster Chart Palette in Dusk and Night Modes: reverses the color palette of the Raster charts in Night and Dusk modes. Note that because Raster charts are just a "picture" of paper charts, inverting the color palette might result in unexpected behavior in some area (according to th eoriginal paper charts color palette).
Automatic Mode setup: allows you to adjust offset when the "Day/Night" mode is set to Automatic.
Inverse Chart Palette in Day Mode: forces the night chart color palette at all times.
Chart Display
Plotter Background Color: in "Automatic" mode, the background color when no chart is displayed (when no chart is selected from the Chart Ribbon) will be dark grey in day mode and black in night mode or when "Inverse Chart Palette in Day mode" is enabled. Select "Manual" an press the "Background Color Selection" to select a custom color.
Chart Priority in Auto Mode: If you have both MM3D Raster charts and MM3D Vector charts installed for the same area, this option allows you to select which type or charts (raster or vector) will be prioritize when the chart selection is set to "Auto". If you have multiple MM3D Vector charts for the same area, the following internal priority will be used: MM3D C-Map then MM3D S-57.
Note: TZ Maps and "ENC" charts (when installed) are not part of the "Auto" mode which only affects MM3D charts. They must be selected manually. -
MM3D Chart Boundaries: selecting this option displays all chart areas boundaries:
The areas having detailed Nautical Charts (either Raster, C-Map, S57 or Fishing charts according to the current selection) are surrounded in purple
The areas having detailed Satellite Pictures are surrounded in green
Cross Screen Cursor: this options display lines and cursor position information on the screen to make the cursor location more visible.
Chart Scales Selection: click on this button to select the chart scale that will be used when clicking on the Zoom In/Out buttons. By default, clicking on the Zoom In/Out button step by step will go through all the chart scales. If you want to "jump" directly from one scale to another or limit the Zoom In/Out, you can deselect the scales you want to skip.
Allow Vector Chart Overzoom: this option prevents the "overzoom" chart tiles to appear even if no detail is available for a specific area at a high zoom level. Disable this option if you do not want TimeZero to overzoom the charts (and display an "Overzoom" indication on screen).
Display MM3D Raster Chart Unit Legend: this option displays a raster chart depth unit legend in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
Grid Interval: indicates the grid interval (ranges from very low to very high) that can be turned ON and OFF from the "Chart" button located in the Ribbon .
Tides & Currents Icon Size: Adjust the tide & current icons size in TimeZero.
Community Maps
Display Community Tags: Enables or disables the tag (icons) displayed above TZ Maps community object.
Highlight new object: When enabled, community object that are newly created or modified will be highlighted on the chart.
Display Proximity Pop-up: When enabled, and when your vessel comes nearby a community object, a pop-up window will appear asking you to rate this object.
The following objects’ transparency can be adjusted:
Tide Range for PhotoFusion: Offset the depth at which the PhotoFusion will start. This setting is useful in area with important tides.
PhotoFusion Transparency: Manipulates the overall intensity of PhotoFusion transparency on water (ranges from 0-80)
Tidal Currents Transparency: Manipulates the intensity of tidal Currents transparency (ranges from 0-80)
Depth Shading Transparency: Manipulates the intensity of depth shading transparency (ranges from 0-80)
Bottom Hardness Transparency: Manipulates the intensity of the bottom hardness transparency (ranges from 0-80). This feature requires a Furuno Sounder with Bottom Discrimination feature or a third party sounder able to send bottom hardness information (requires the bottom hardness module)
BackScatter Transparency: Manipulates the intensity of the BackScatter transparency (ranges from 0-80). This feature requires a WASSP multi-beam sounder (Backscatter)
Weather Color Transparency: Manipulates the intensity of weather color transparency (ranges from 0-80)
3D Display:
The following options control how the bathymetry data is rendered on screen:
Terrain Shading Value: Determines the strength of the terrain shading (relief shading).
3D Alti Exaggeration: Determines the exaggeration of land altitudes displayed while in 3D mode (all WorkSpace).
Display object in 3D: By default, all objects (Marks, Boundaries, Annotations, Routes & Waypoints and Tracks) are displayed in 3D mode. Use this option if you want to automatically hide objects when switching the charts in 3D. The objects will automatically reappear once the charts are switched back in 2D. This setting does not apply to the "3D Cube" WorkSpace which always displays objects at the bottom.
Depth Shading:
When the depth shading is turned on (from the "Chart" button located in the Ribbon), the range and hue of the depth color scale can be controlled using the following options:
Depth Shading Mode: When set to "Auto", TimeZero automates the range of water depths to be shaded according to the area displayed on the screen. TimeZero looks for the shallowest and deepest points and automatically adjusts the range accordingly. In this mode, the color scale range is continuously updated as you pan or zoom the charts. When set to "Manual", the color scale uses the Minimum and Maximum values defined below. When set to "Discrete" (PBG module required), use the Fishing WorkSpace or the button "Discrete Color Palette" to adjust exactly which color to use for specific depth.
Minimum Value: Fixes the minimum water depth value to be shaded when the "Manual" mode is selected.
Maximum Value: Fixes the maximum water depth value to be shaded when the "Manual" mode is selected.
Depth Color Palette: Determines the color palette used for the depth shading in Auto and Manual mode.
Discrete Color Palette (PBG module required): Press that button to display a window that allows you to customize exactly which color to use at specific depth.
Depth Contour Line (PBG Module required):
When the depth contour line is turned on (from the "Chart" button located in the Ribbon or from the Fishing WorkSpace), the contour line mode can be adjusted using the following options:
Contour Line Mode: When set to "Auto" the contour line interval is automatically adjusted by TimeZero according to the "Automatic Contour Line Density" parameter and the chart zoom level. When set to Manual, the user specify an interval using the options below. "Auto" mode is useful to have a quick overview of the slope without having to dial-in any parameter. "Manual" mode is useful when a specific contour line interval needs to be used.
Automatic Contour Line Density: Set the overall density of the contour lines when "Auto" mode is selected. Note that the interval will automatically change according to the slope and the chart zoom level.
Contour Line Interval: Set the interval in between two consecutive contour lines when "Manual" is selected.
Contour Highlight Frequency: Adjusts the frequency of the bold contour lines. For example, if you set the contour line interval to 15 ft with a Contour Highlight Frequency of 10, a bold contour line will appear every 150 ft.
Use Depth Shading Color Palette: Displays the contour lines in color using the same color palette as the Depth Shading. Note that this setting only applies when the depth shading is turned OFF. If the depth shading is displayed on screen, the contour lines will always be black.
Restrict Contour Line to Depth Shading Range: When this setting is selected, the contour lines will only be displayed on areas covered by the depth shading range (the minimum and maximum value). If you want to see depth contour line everywhere, uncheck this option.
BackScatter (PBG and WASSP Modules required):
When backscatter is turned on (from the "Chart" button located in the Ribbon or from the Fishing WorkSpace), the following settings allows you to adjust how it is displayed on the chart :
Backscatter Shading Mode: When set to "Auto", TimeZero automates the dB scale (min and max) according to the area displayed on the screen. In this mode, the color scale range is continuously updated as you pan or zoom the charts. When set to "Manual", the color scale uses the Minimum and Maximum values defined below. When set to "Discrete", use the button "Discrete Color Palette" below to adjust exactly which color to use for specific backscatter value.
Minimum Value: Fixes the minimum dB value to be shaded when the "Manual" mode is selected. Note that areas on the map that have a backscatter value under this setting will still be shaded using the minimum scale color.
Maximum Value: Fixes the maximum dB value to be shaded when the "Manual" mode is selected. Note that areas on the map that have a backscatter value above this setting will still be shaded using the maximum scale color.
BackScatter Palette: Determines the color palette used for the backscatter in Auto and Manual mode.
Discrete Color Palette: Press that button to display a window that allows you to customize exactly which color to use for specific BackScatter value (in dB).
Bottom Hardness (PBG and Bottom Hardness Module required with selected sounder):
When bottom hardness is turned on (from the "Chart" button located in the Ribbon or from the Fishing WorkSpace), the following settings allows you to adjust how it is displayed on the chart :
Bottom Hardness Shading Mode: When set to "Auto", TimeZero automates the % scale (min and max) according to the area displayed on the screen. In this mode, the color scale range is continuously updated as you pan or zoom the charts. When set to "Manual", the color scale uses the Minimum and Maximum values defined below. When set to "Discrete", use the button "Discrete Color Palette" below to adjust exactly which color to use for Bottom Hardness value.
Minimum Value: Fixes the minimum % value to be shaded when the "Manual" mode is selected. Note that areas on the map that have a Bottom Hardness value under this setting will still be shaded using the minimum scale color.
Maximum Value: Fixes the maximum % value to be shaded when the "Manual" mode is selected. Note that areas on the map that have a Bottom Hardness value above this setting will still be shaded using the maximum scale color.
Bottom Hardness Palette: Determines the color palette used for the Bottom Hardness in Auto and Manual mode.
Discrete Color Palette: Press that button to display a window that allows you to customize exactly which color to use for specific Hardness value (in %).